BEMP Congress
In past Springs, BEMP has held two Student Congresses, bringing together the students who had been collecting data as citizen scientists throughout the school year. Students brought their research, stories, and artwork to share with each other while they learned and celebrated New Mexico’s waterways. BEMP monthly monitoring students in grades 4 through 6 attended BEMP Congress at Bosque School in Albuquerque. Students interviewed each other about their BEMP research and participated in activities presented by guest speakers including Avian Ambassadors, the Albuquerque BioPark and Albuquerque Open Space.Students in grades 7 through 12 who worked with BEMP and Watershed Watch attended Congress at Bachechi Open Space – near Alameda Bridge. Students presented posters and powerpoints on their research in the Rio Grande watershed and heard from The New Mexico Herpetological Society and Avian Ambassad.