Media Gallery
BEMP Celebrates Its 100,000th BEMPer!
The Children's Hour featured BEMP educator and biologist Katie Elder and high school intern Mikayla on April 9th, 2020!
New Mexico PBS, New Mexico in Focus: Our Land
Featured BEMP on Dec. 8, 2017
SeansLeap O Faith
Check out BEMP staffers Sean O’Neill, Kim Fike, and Dr. Kim Eichhorst as they explore the new Bosque del Apache site. "We BEMPers like to have fun in the field and sometimes it gets a little messy!"
Bosque School BEMPin' IT UP! Ever wonder what the amazing Sarah Hooper and her 6th grade class do on their BEMP adventures... a little salute to the cranes after data collection and data sharing!

BEMP featured in New Mexico Kids! Family Magazine: "Kids, Families Help With Longterm Environmental Research"

BEMP was recently invited to be on Albuquerque’s Public Radio station KUNM for the Children’s Hour (originally broadcast on Nov 11, 2017). BEMP Co-Director (and porcupine expert!) Dan Shaw and about 20 kids joined host Katie Stone, and shared all about BEMP’s favorite animal – PORCUPINES! Jayden and Elena were the BEMP students who helped Dan educate the listener audience about porcupines.
Dan Shaw, BEMP's Co-Director presents a webinar about monitoring ecosystems for the GreenTeacher network of environmental professionals. BEMP's compelling story of citizen science, done by students, that informs public policy and land management in New Mexico is not to be missed. Enjoy!
Dan Shaw, BEMP Co-Founder and current Co-Director and Bosque School Science Faculty gives a TEDx Talk at the ABQ-ED event. His students' work includes projects such as measuring hydrocarbons along the Rio Grande, mapping all beaver activity within a county, and determining if the imperiled rabbit-like pika of the Jemez Mountains survived recent catastrophic wildfires. Helping students become stewards of their home watersheds and citizen scientists in a time of global weirding is his life's work.
BEMP is a partner of the 'Native Fish in the Classroom' project - a program with the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Our BEMP classroom has a native fish tank for students to observe and learn about the biota of our river.
Video of fish release in May 2013.
The Nature Conservancy funded students from International School at Mesa del Sol on a trip to the Valles Caldera to learn about watersheds. Video by US Forest Service Partner Melissa Dean.
Check out BEMP on KNAU's Earthnotes program. It aired on Albuquerque's KUNM radio station on January 13, 2016.
Citizen Schools worked with BEMP to engage Van Buren Middle School students about wild animals, wild plants, and wonderful adventures in the bosque. Video: Bosque Botany Bonanza Semester.